Category: Uncategorised
Wednesday – Cluedo, Games and Meetings
Spot stayed on site today and did various games, one based on Cluedo. We discovered it was Mrs White, in the Secret Dining Room with Poison, so we were wary of our evening meal after that….. We loved our favourite game with Bob – Hungry Hippos! Make went out (so they could sleep in the […]
Tuesday Outings
Today both Sport the Difference and Make the Difference went on outings, Spot to Conkers and Make to WM Safari Park. We still had time to meet with God in the evening meeting.
Monday – Craft, wide games, cricket and more!
Check out what we’ve been up to today….
Sunday – First games, Swimming and Meeting Together
So everyone has arrived on Spot the Difference and Make the Difference. Check out the photos of Swimming, Games in the Sports Hall, Meeting together and learning about Paul/Saul (StD), and Ephesians. 1 (MtD).
Preparations On D-1
We’re working hard testing the sports equipment ready for you all – see you later!!
Getting Ready – D-3
We’re getting ready for camp – are you? What’s this …. ?
Friday 17th
Our last full day (camp photo day) with choices of Lacrosse, T-shirt painting, dance and music, mixed in with more swimming and drama made for a great day.
Thursday 16th
A trip to Leamington for a round the town challenge was followed by some sweet and to shopping. The evening began with a banquet and had a brilliant talent show:
Make The Difference
A long walk to Exile (the picnic spot) by the River of Babylon (Drayton Water) today, followed by a tug of war (won by a girl’s dorm who went on to almost beat the leaders!)